8. Todo-list
Here is a list of planned upgrades,ideas and improvements to the library:
Update manual (always ongoing)
Implement sloping bottom (variable water depth)
upgrade second order velocity profile model to a consistent second order wheeler type stretching , Ref. [8]
At some point it is probably a good idea to add a Cmake file for this project.
some variables in the input file should be calculated automatically based on given input values, i.e. default values should be auto.
implement wind turbulence models for two-phase problems
add more illustrations in the manual (figures)
implement time-trace dump for specified list of points
Implement dopple shift to take into account a constant current. Redefine x og y for a given current (U, V)
x’ = x – Ut y’ = y - Vt t’ = t
8.1. Task completed
Implement Higher order spectral method connection through the swd library spectral_wave_data
Implement grid interpolation scheme for boundaries
update grid interpolation structure to vertical lagrangian type, which follows the wave surface, to make more efficient and accurate.
8.2. Ideas rejected (or posponed)
Add commonly used wave spectra and directional spreading functions for easy generation without specifying manually frequency amplitudes, phase etc. (work started)
preprogrammed constrained new wave. kind of a nice to have.